For tax reasons, some lower-and middle-income families may be better off choosing other investments. 由于税收原因,对于那些低收入和中等收入家庭来说,如果选择其它的投资方向,他们会生活得更富裕些。
President Bush wants tax incentives for businesses to make investments this year as well as direct and rapid income tax relief for individuals. 布什总统希望税收可以促进今年更多的投资,同时对个人所得税进行直接和快速的减免。
These issues include a lack of clarity surrounding how capital gains tax is levied on investments. 其中一个问题是中国没有澄清如何对相关投资所得征收资本利得税。
Though the issue of taxation is contentious, it is the unpredictability of the tax regime that has had an impact on investments. 尽管征税问题还存在争议,但真正对投资产生影响的其实是税制的不可预测性。
The tax base was used to justify huge investments in infrastructure, which dwindled as residents started to move away, and key industry players moved away as competition rose and they found cheaper, more innovative alternatives. 课税基础,用来刺激大型资金投往基础建设,也随着人口搬离而减少,支柱企业,由于竞争的加剧,会寻找更便宜更有创新精神的替代地。
Learn the ins and outs of tax laws, insurance, and investments to help your clients plan for retirement and finance their children's educations. 学习税法、保险投资的来龙去脉,帮助你的客户设计退休计划为的小孩教育筹集资金。
Tax allowances for anti-pollution investments 税率优待反污染投资
But the banks will also have to subtract items such as goodwill, some tax credits and minority investments from equity and retained earnings. 但银行还必须从股本和留存收益中扣除商誉、部分税收抵免和少数股权投资等项目。
Banks face a stiff non-compliance penalty: a 30 per cent tax on income from all their US investments. 银行还面临严峻的违规处罚:对其所有美国投资收益征收30%的税。
The activity has prompted debate among bankers over whether tax issues are distorting business decisions, potentially leading US companies to favour overseas investments over opportunities at home. 这项活动促使银行家开始争论,税务问题是否正在扭曲商业决策,可能导致美国公司偏爱海外投资胜于国内机会。
Tax allowances for anti-pollution investments foreign-funded enterprise income tax 税率优待反污染投资外商投资企业所得税
If all these measures do not calm the market, there is likely to be a serious debate about introducing a capital gains tax for equity investments. 如果所有这些措施还不能让市场归于平静,中国可能就会认真探讨引入证券投资资本利得税的问题。
The Comparative Research of the Favorable Tax Policy in Attracting Foreign Investments of China and Kazakhstan 中国与哈萨克斯坦吸引外资税收优惠政策比较研究
The tax might also be geared towards short-term investments to encourage buy-and-hold behaviour. 该税也可能针对短期投资,以鼓励投资者长线持有。
It introduced capital controls last month with a 2 per cent tax on foreign portfolio investments. 上个月,该国推出资本控制措施,对外国组合投资征收2%的金融活动税。
He is trying to get a more rational tax policy adopted, one that gives favourable tax treatment only for investments held for 36 months, rather than the current 12 months. 他正在促使政府采取一项更加合理的税收政策,该政策将仅对持有超过36个月的投资给予税收优惠待遇,而非现行的12个月。
Cancelling the corporate tax they pay on their investments in securities will boost returns for them and for investors. 对它们的证券投资收入免征企业所得税,将提高它们及投资者的投资回报。
Brazil's currency and stocks fell sharply yesterday after the government imposed a 2 per cent tax on foreign portfolio investments to stem the rapid rise of its exchange rate. 巴西政府周一在当地股市临近收盘时宣布,对外国证券投资征收2%的赋税,以抑制本币汇率的急速上涨。昨日,巴西货币及股票纷纷大跌。
Since the interest on municipal bonds are federally tax free, a tax equivalent yield is needed to compare municipals with other taxable investments that may be in front of an investor. 由于联邦免税的市政债券的利息税相当于产量是需要与其他应税投资,可能会在投资者面前的直辖市。
Interest equalization tax: A tax on foreign investments for the purpose of curtailing the outflow of private funds. 利息平衡税:为减少私人资金的外流而对外国投资征收的一种税。
This would allow for both a lower tax burden and for investments in education, research and development, and infrastructure. 这种办法既考虑到了降低税收负担,又考虑到了教育、研发和基础设施方面的投资。
The three sections of Chapter two discuss tax planning in the aspects of the selections of enterprise patterns, organizations and locations of investments in the establishment stages for the real estate companies. 第二章分三节,分别从企业性质的选择、从属机构的选择和投资地点的选择三个方面介绍房地产开发企业设立环节的税收筹划;
It is necessary that China's current legal institutions of enterprises, tax law, securities law be adjusted in order to promote the smooth development of risk investments in China. 为促进我国风险投资业的顺利发展,必须对我国现行的企业法律制度、税法、证券法等进行调整。
Some Proposals of Restructuring Tax Preferences concerning Foreign Investments 对涉外企业所得税优惠政策结构性调整的建议
Enhancing the supporting of the finance tax policies on the renewable energy development, it is also necessary that further perfecting finance tax favorable policies to prompt social various investments. 加强财税政策对可再生能源发展的支持,进一步完善财税优惠政策,激励社会各项投资,对可再生能源在价格方面予以支持。
Some sovereign countries or regions reduce the tax burden, provide a variety of favorable tax treatment and even to provide a system of tax havens to attract the investments, which leads to the intensification of international tax competition, and result in some harmful tax competitions. 某些主权国家或地区通过降低税负、提供各种税收优惠政策甚至提供避税地制度来吸引投资,导致了国际税收竞争的激化,产生了一些有害税收竞争。
When the tax rates and running costs rises, these investments would run away and turn into other low-tax countries and areas. 当税率提高和税收优惠取消使经营成本提高时,这类投资就很有可能撤离,而转到周边低税国家和地区。
Tax incentives tend to encourage export industries, infrastructure construction and information technology services and investments in the north and east provinces. 税收优惠偏向鼓励出口产业、基础设施建设和信息技术服务产业以及在北边和东边省区的投资。
As the global development of economy, many countries reduced tax rates to attract investments and pursue tax interests. The frequent movement of capital and the intellectuals caused a global issue which is many countries have to face the problem of tax evasion. 随着经济全球化发展,许多国家为了谋求税收利益最大化,纷纷降低税负以吸引投资,资本和人才越来越频繁的跨国移动使得国际逃避税成为各国必须面对的一个全球性问题。